Why is the Yellow dot not in the location I set on my work piece in UCCNC?
In the live display window in UCCNC it shows you your project file as well as the location of the tool in real time. The tool is represented by a Yellow Dot on the screen. If you setup a job with the XY datum in the center of your job, then Yellow dot should be in the center of the screen in that window before you start running the job.
If the dot is NOT in the where you set it in your CAD/CAM file, then it is most likely because you did not ZERO X AND Y once you positioned the end mill (Spindle) at the starting location. Please use the following steps when you setup a job to ensure that your yellow dot is always where you want it before you run a job:
To ensure that your job is always setup properly, please follow these steps:
- Load your work piece onto the CNC and secure it
- Home your CNC machine (Press Home All on UCCNC)
- Manually move the end mill (spindle) to the location that you want to start the job on your work piece
- PRESS THE HOME BUTTON FOR Y AND X – this will reset the digital read out (DRO) to 0.00 for each.
- Load your GCode file – when you do you should notice that the yellow dot is where you set it up in your CAM file (lower left, center, etc)
- Set your Z Zero manually by lowering it to touch the material surface or machine bed (to match how your setup your CAM file) OR use a Tool Length Sensor
- Run your job!
Software Troubleshooting,
Vectric Software (Cut 2D, Cut 3D, V Carve)