Common Pre-Purchase Questions
If I order a STEPCRAFT with an Automatic Tool Changer, will you pre-install the tool rack and setup the software?
Yes we can pre-install the tool rack(s) for you on your machine. We will ALWAYS put them in the rear right corner (when looking from the front of the machine). Additionally, we will setup the tool locations in UCCNC and send you the Macro file that you can simply copy to your installation of UCCNC. Once complete, all locations should be correct and you can start using the ATC right away.
When you buy an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC), the system might come with an orange switch box. That switch box is intended for use with the ATC on the D.Series line of CNC machines as well as the M.Series machines that DO NOT have a Tool Magazine on the back of the machine. If you did not purchase the optional Tool Magazine then you would need to use the Switch Box. If you have the Tool Magazine, then you DO NOT need to use the switch box.

No, at this time you can not use it because the Exhaust Adapter wraps around the whole spindle, which will interfere with the tool changer putting the tool back into the rack. At this time we do not have plans for a new exhaust adapter design that will be able to be used with the tool changer.